Tag: Booking Vacations

em domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018 |

Warning: This post may contain spoilers. Please read the following text at your expense and risk.

Hello everyone! Since it’s summer and most of the people (at least here in Portugal) go on vacations in august, I decided to create a Tag.
For this tag you can do it in your social media or in your blog. Well, you can do it as you feel like! You are a free person! You just have to use our image, give credit to the creator (Thinking like a Fangirl) and the person who nominated you. And nominate 3 friends!
I'll be nominating:
- Banal Girl
- Presa nas Palavras 
- Sarang my World

However, feel free to answer the tag even if no one nominated you!

Destination: a fictional place you’d like to go to.
I would to go to Velaris, from the Prythian world of the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas! The city seems to be delightful and I’d like to meet that little paradise where Rhys, Feyre, Amren, Cassian, Mor, Azriel, Nesta and Elain live!
Resultado de imagem para velaris city of starlight

Suitcase: things that you can pack in your suitcase!
For emergencies only: a character that could be useful to have around.
I choose Claire Randall/Fraser from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I love her and I think highly of her! She is very smart, knows how and which plants she can use for her necessities, is a doctor and has several skills that can be handy for delicate situations.

 Imagem relacionada

Sun glasses: the sassiest character you’ll ever know.
Aelin/Celaena from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas. Want to know why? Read the series and then come talk to me ahahah!
Imagem relacionada 

Swimsuit: a book that reminds you of the beach.
Lady Midnight/Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare. The institute of Los Angeles happens to be near the  Pacific Coast Highway and because of that, it reminds me of the beach.

Resultado de imagem para pacific coast highway california

Sunscreen: a character you want to protect at all costs.
Akiva from A Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor. He is a dreamer who wants to make his world peaceful where Chimaera and angels can love each other and live in harmony. Isn’t he precious? No? Okay *pouts*.
Imagem relacionada

Makeup: a beautiful dust jacket/paperback cover.
Dreamology by  Lucie Keating.
Resultado de imagem para dreamology lucy keating

Toiletries: a book that everyone must read.
If you speak and read portuguese, I’d suggest you to read Broken- Despedaçada by my friend Tânia Dias. It’s not because she’s my friend that I’m doing this. Her book is really good and she is preparing to release the second book.
If you do not read portuguese nor speak it, then I’d make a suggestion for you to go read Baltasar and Blimunda by José Saramago. I love the book, the story, the romance and the mix between fiction and reality.

Resultado de imagem para baltasar and blimundaImagem relacionada

Clothing: a very fashionable character.
Alexia White! I love dresses and she has and uses plenty of them. I’d go to her closet, with no doubt!

Resultado de imagem para Alexia White Broken

Music player: a character that plays a musical instrument.
Jem Carstairs from The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. He plays the violin, and I love violins!

Resultado de imagem para jem carstairs

Food/desserts: something that you’d eat during the hot days.
Ice Cream: a ship that makes you melt.
Claire and Jamie from Outlander, Baltasar and Blimunda from Baltasar and Blimunda, Will and Tessa from The Infernal Devices or Rhys and Feyre from A Court of Thorns and Roses… I can’t choose just one ahahahah
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Leave in the comment the link to your answers if you decided to do this tag! I'd love to see them!

2 comentários:

  1. Olá! Fico feliz que me tenham nomeado e, como não pode falhar, aceitei o desafio. Algumas categorias não foram fáceis mas adorei a tag. Como tal, aqui estão as minhas respostas: http://presa-nas-palavras.blogspot.com/2018/08/booking-vacations-book-tag.html!!

  2. Adorei as resposta! Obrigada por aceitares o desafio e continua com o ótimo trabalho!
