| Review | Monstress Vol. 2 | O Sangue| Saida de Emergência

em sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2018 |
Hello book-nerds!
How are you? Today let's discover a bit more about my recent passion for graphic novels!

Image result for monstress volume 2 + portuguesSynopsis

Num mundo alternativo de beleza art déco inspirado na Ásia oriental, criaturas demoníacas e poderosas ameaçam o mundo.
Maika Meiolobo está a ser perseguida por uma coligação de forças determinada a controlar e a destruir a poderosa criatura demoníaca que habita dentro de si. Mas Maika não descansará enquanto não cumprir a sua missão: descobrir os segredos da sua falecida mãe, Moriko.

Nesta sequela, a jornada de Maika irá levá-la à cidade de Thyria, controlada por piratas, e através dos mares à misteriosa Ilha dos Ossos. Será uma viagem que irá forçar Maika a reavaliar o seu passado, presente e futuro e onde irá aprender que não pode confiar em ninguém, incluindo no seu próprio corpo...

I was kindly provided a copy of this book by our partner Saida De Emergência
We were left with a lot of questions after Volume 1 and so I dove into this book confused but excited by the prospect of discovering more about this amazing world.
The artwork on this novel improved even more, with the adding of more characters, of more Gods and hybrids, the authors got the chance to enrich this world.
If the first book was confusing, this one was able to shed more light into HalfWolf’s world and character. We’re taken deeper into her memories and character and even though I would have said, I’d never like her, I find myself understanding her more and more. This is a very dark world, and the only way to survive it is to be worse than those around us; that’s what her mother taught her and that’s what she’s learned to be the truth.
However, as always, I lean towards the little fox more than HalfWolf. He’s just so cute… I can’t even. He was pretty underdeveloped before and, although he doesn’t take a lead on this one, we get know a bit more about this cute little fox.
It’s overall a nice read, everything happens very fast, making it hard to talk about the plot without giving key points away. If you enjoy mythology, war and magic AND AMAZING ART this book is totally for you.

Rating: 4.5 stars
How excited are you for Volume 3? I don't think there's a date for it's release in Portugal yet, but you can't keep updated by checking Saida de Emergência's site!

2 comentários:

  1. Descobri recentemente que a autora desse livro vem à Comic Con este ano!!!

  2. pois vem!!! logo no ano em que muda para Lisboa e por isso não consigo ir >.<
