I received a free e-copy of this book from Entagled Teen, which has in now way influenced my opinion of the book.
I'm trying ver hard to keep my word, book nerds, are you proud of me? I also finished another book from the Summer Marathon so check that post!
In the war against the Forces of Darkness, the Royals are losing.
Princess Ivy is determined to end this centuries-long conflict once and for
all, so her new battle partner must succeed where the others failed. Prince
Zach’s unparalleled skill with a sword, enhanced by Ivy’s magic Kiss, should
make them an unstoppable pair—but try convincing Zach of that.
Prince Zach has spent his life preparing for battle, but he would rather
be branded a heretic than use his lips as nothing more than a way to transfer
magic. A kiss is a symbol of love, and love is the most powerful weapon they
have—but try convincing Ivy of that.
With the fate of their world on the line, the battlefield has become a
testing ground, and only one of them can be right. Falling for each other
wasn’t part of the plan—but try convincing their hearts of that.
Everyone knows how powerful True Love’s Kiss is. What you didn’t know,
is that a Kiss can be used as a weapon against the forces of Darkness.
I cannot express how awesome I think this premise is, I mean, we’ve all
grown hearing about how powerful a Kiss can be. Charming resurrected (kind of)
Snow White with a Kiss, Principe Philip awoke Sleeping Beauty with a Kiss, and
the examples go on and on…
Now just imagine that instead of trying to find your soul mate, your
breaking curses by kissing people. I personally wouldn’t mind having to kiss some people. *wink wink*
Totally missing the point!
The point is: this book has the best premise ever. And I could not wait
to dive into this world.
Now I will say that the writing is still a little raw, being the first
book of the author, but the characters are very well written, developing
throughout the book and not only at the end.
As you can imagine this book will contain a lot of romance and I enjoyed
how the author maneuverer mythology pretty well, weaving together a plausible
tale for our heroes’ situation. However, cliché I have to admit, I loved how
things unfolded and how things were justified. I just fell in love with these
characters and their world.
Kiss of the Royals, is a fine example of the characters make the tale, because even though the writing
wasn’t extraordinary, the characters were so well constructed that the story
just flowed.
Give it a try for Zach (the main character) because he deserves it,
Rating: 4 stars.
Do you know this book? Did you get as excited as myself about the premisse of a kiss giving real power to people?

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