Movie review | Thor Ragnarok

em sexta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2017 |
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Another review guys!! Finally! I'm sorry for being off this month, I'm trying to study for my finals and finishing my second book at the same time, it's tough.

Bu hey! Review time!!

Asgard will fall.

Thor has been having dreams of Asgard in flames.

I went to see this movie with extremely high expectation, the trailers (below) were amazing and had me super excited over Thor and Hulk (favourite super heroes) together on a movie of their own.

I’m disappointed.

One major fault, for me, this is, THE major fault on this movie is really the excessive use of comedy.

Don’t read me wrong, I like movies that defy the common believe that super hero’s movies need to be action packed, have good fighting scenes and great effects while the storyline matters much less – well, kind of, but people will usually reflect on the plot later. However, Thor – The Rakgnarok crossed the thin line between being a comedy and being a joke. I lost count of the scenes where they would have won much by making it epic rather than fun.

The storyline itself is great. Marvel managed to come full circle with the end of this movie, allowing at the same time space for more improvement.

Major characters came a long way with this movie, managing not to move backwards but to improve, to change in ways it was not expected but welcomed. Loki’s and Thor’s relationship is something I always love to see (as someone who as an annoying little sister I can relate) and their dynamic in this movie was great.

Talking Hulk was fun to watch and discover (What happened since the last time we saw him? Where’s Banner?) and his relationship with Thor was hilarious. I want to see him with the rest of the Avengers!

Overall, I was a bit disappointed but if your expectations aren’t sky high you probably will be pleasantly surprise. What are you doing standing there?

Go watch it!

Rating: 4 stars

What are your thoughts on Thor Ragnarok? Did you watch it already? 

2 comentários:

  1. OMG adoro o THOR estou ansiosa de ver este filme, não tenho graaaaandes expectativas, espero não me desiludir xD

  2. Boa tarde, quando estreou o filme? Gostava de ver, mas a parte da comédia acho que não é próprio das personagens, é mais do super-herói Deadpool, com humor negro, mesmo assim gostava de ver. Bom Ano Novo! :)
