month, another 8 on 8.
theme is disappointing reads.
man, this one is hard!
Want to know my 8 top heart breaking reads? Click
below to find out more!
If you'd like to know what my partners choose, go give them a visit:
1. Divergent (3 of them)
Divergent was one of those things I was completely
addicted to and super excited for the conclusion. It has do much potential. It
could have been great. But then… the second and the third book happen and you
just go from being on top to a tortuous descent to below zero.
Oh Gods. Most of you won’t know this book. But a year
or two ago I found this on Goodreads and I just had to read it. Even try to get
it while I was at London. Couldn’t get the bloody book anywhere.
Until I stumbled across a copy on the Internet.
Gods. Gods. It was the most annoying book I ever laid
my eyes on.
3. Everything Everything
This one didn’t exactly break my heart for how
terrible it was. But from the noise the Internet was making about it, I was
expecting a hell of a lot more.
4. Unearthly
Long story short, I started the ebook, loved the beginning
so got the physical book and it turned out to be the classical crossed-star
lovers who fight destiny to not be together.
Another one that just fell short of the potential it
I love this book. I more or less devoured it along
with the second one. I just had really high expectation and they weren’t quite
Awesome book though. The fault is on the internet.
Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
ResponderEliminarWell, I knew most of the books you talked about and chose for this 8 on 8!
To be honest, I liked A Bela e os Lobos, and loved Divergent.. hehe :) But everyone is different! ;)
Boas leituras!! ;)
Ainda não li nenhum dos livros que foram citados, embora tenha o "Divergente" (ofereceram-mo há uns anos e ainda não ganhei vergonha na cara para o ler!!), obrigada pelas dicas e boas leituras! :)
ResponderEliminarOlá não conhecia este blogue.
Dos blogs de 8 on 8 não conheço: Guerra dos Livros
Enjoy Books, Cantinho Cult, Banal Girl e Meu Amor pelos Livros.
Gostei do blog, só acho que deverias escrever em português, torna-se mais facil de compreender ou então anexares o tradutor ao blog, facilitava muito :)