Hello, hello!
Remember this awesome book that everyone should read?!
I've been in conversation with the awesome S. McPherson asking a lot of questions and getting a lot of answers!
And here it's the result!
Click 'read more' to know all about this universe and this amazing author!

Book 2,
'Caught in the Ripples' is OUT NOW!!''
To start a
few question so that our readers can get to know you better!
Give the
first answer that comes to your mind!
Cats or
dogs? Cats (eeek!! I absolutely love
them both but cats came to mind first)
Colour? Blue
Day or
Night? Night
book genre? Fantasy
all time Trilogy and/or saga? Harry
author? Sarah J Maas (& of course
J.K. Rowling)
Now to the
real questions!
What got
you into writing?
From a very young age, I
considered myself a poet. ‘Roses are red, violets are blue’ had nothing on me;
in my five year old opinion. As I grew, I was drawn into film and the idea of
script-writing; something I still wouldn’t mind trying one day. I wrote a lot
of scripts, some about other universes, an all-girl pop band and such but alas
my seven to thirteen year old self, never made any leap with these. Then I
moved on to songs; and that’s when I realised that my main love is the love of
story-telling and I don’t mind what format it comes in. Through a painting, a
dance, a novel, a play, a song; just tell me stories! And my love of stories
led to my love to create stories and my favourite form of expression was with
words; thus I write.
Where did
you get inspiration for At Water's Edge? From both the characters and world.
I got
the opening scene in my head and wrote it down, years before I started working
on the series. The opening scene left me with questions as to why certain
things were happening and who the girl was. I think over the years my subconscious
started concocting answers until I finally had a fully formed idea.
How long
did it take you to write the first book? And the second one?
At Water’s Edge took me about eight months to
write but it had been simmering in my subconscious for a looong time before I
began to write it. And I started brainstorming Caught in the Ripples four
months before I released At Water’s Edge and then it took about six months
after that for Caught in the Ripples to be complete.
Do you
have a writing routine?
I like to try and write first thing in the
morning but with work that doesn’t always work so I put together a schedule for
each day and I make sure that I write at least 1000 words a day.
the most weird or amazing thing a fan has ever said to you?
Haha nothing too weird yet. The most amazing
things were when readers compared the books to some of my favourites like
Mortal Instruments and Red Queen.
What kind
of struggles have you gone through to get your book published and/or make it
reach your target audience?
I think reaching the target audience is one of
the hardest feats of the whole process. It is very difficult to connect with
people you have never met and who know nothing about you. I am so incredibly
thankful for social media as it opens a gateway that didn’t always exist. Then it
comes down to taking the time to truly get to know your target audience, and
put yourself in their shoes. I always ask myself, what would I want an author
to say to me or how would I want that author to try and get my attention. It’s
definitely a challenge but so wonderful when you do connect with like-minded
Do you
think it was worth it?
Absolutely!! Every agonising second is also a
mad rush of excitement and is like dreaming with your eyes open.
the proudest moment you've had as a writer?
My proudest moments were when I held the first
copy of At Water’s Edge in my hands and earlier this year when At Water’s Edge
made it to top 5 in Epic Fantasy on Amazon.
Are you
happy with how your book is being received?
Very happy. The reviews have been positive and
the few that have been less positive have offered some great feedback and
helped me to grow and evolve with the next book 😊
Any funny
moment you passes because of having decided to pursue a writing career, that
you'd like to share with us?
One funny experience was when I was making my
book trailer. I decided to get a voice over artist to read the lines and so had
many auditions. Most of the actresses were great but a few were very over the
top and exaggerated everything they said which was so fun to listen to.
advice for young writers?
I could go on and on
with tips for writers but my three main points are:
Get a good idea- Find something that inspires you and build on it. Throw in a
mixture of characters, a series of events and one main issue to be resolved.
Test part of it with your target audience and see what they think.
Write and rewrite within an inch
of your life. Rewrite until you’re pulling your hair out and are tempted to
throw your laptop out the window.
Don’t give up- sounds cliché but
is so true. You’ll never get anywhere if you allow distractions or bumps in the
road to steer you off track. Stay focussed on what you are aiming for and keep
going until you get there.
A few
questions about the book itself:
thing that really caught my attention was the gethamot and the arrow that
changes colours, what's it made of? the arrow I mean. I don't know why, but I
find it fascinating.
Haha you will discover the answer to that in
Caught in the Ripples 😉 lol but the colour stays the same. The direction changes to guide the
people to the portal.
I love
the name Dezaray, is there a special reason why you choose that name? Any of
the names for that matter
It’s funny that you ask that about Dezaray. There is actually a reason I
chose that name for her. Based on her life at the beginning of the book, I often joked with myself that her name
would be Dezaray as it sounds like disarray: confusion, panic and so on. And as
I continued to write Dezaray, I began to see things differently, exploring the
alternatives like having self-confidence, believing in yourself and going for
what you want. And that was when her last name; Storm, was born.
Do you
have a ship name for Dezaray and Milo?
Oo, fun question. I haven’t thought of one but
I think I like to sound of Milray haha #Milray
I love
the way you created the spell, are they inspired in any language or was it all
your inspiration?
The spells all come from my imagination. I
actually wrote a small sheet of spells and popular phrases that they use in
their world. It was lots of fun to create.
Will we
discover more about the other parallel universes? Maybe even visit another one?
Yes! And I am so excited for people to explore
it with me. Caught in the Ripples gives a closer look into Coldivor, the
parallel universe and book 3, Swept Away (releasing this summer) takes readers
through Coldivor and beyond :D
Thank you
so much for the book and for being so kind as to answer all my silly questions!
Is there anything you would like to say our readers?

You can get a FREE eCopy of At Water’s Edge by subscribing to my
newsletter (link below). I am also always happy to connect.
You can find me on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/s_mcpherson_books/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/smcphersonbooks
Link to FREE copy of At Water’s Edge: http://www.smcphersonbooks.com/join-my-world/
Thank you
so much once again! I really loved to get to know your books! It’s a fantastic
world and I sincerely hope more people give it a chance!
Thanks so much for this fun interview Tania and
thank you for all your wonderful support xx
Guys, you have all the links above, talk to me,
talk to S. McPherson, and let us now how wonderful do you think this book is!
I didn't read the book yet but i would like to read it. Thank you so much for this interview.